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The Bob White barn is set up for maximum flexibility when it comes to hay storage. I feed both small square bales and wrapped round bales. I store the round bales outside on a level, well drained spot built up with crushed stone next to the barn. Why is Association Football sometimes called SoccerThe proper name of the sport is Association football (both words are part of the game's name; simply "football" is insufficient, though common). It refers to the game that is played using the IFAB's Laws of the Game, such as in the FIFA World Cup. The name is a reference to the English Football Association, which was (originally, and quite literally) an association of schools that agreed cheap jerseys to use the same set of rules. First of all, you need to buy your laptop a wireless internet card. Any will do. As long as it's made for laptops. Mayew echoed Rowsom's sentiments, "As alumni, we're excited about this because we believe in the direction of the b...